So… lemme get this outta the way first. I got more doujin swag than official swag because it was PSO2 day @ Comiket 90. ARKs Festa happened to fall on the same day and both started at 10am.
I figure every other time of year I can support Sega, but this one time I’d rather support the fans first, so doujin it is (along with some official stuff):
I think I overdid it a little…
This was my first ARKs Festa, and the crowd was huge. It’s not everyday you travel to a faraway land and discover the sheer size of a game’s fanbase in person. PSO2 occupying practically two rows at Comiket should have been a clue though.
Poor Ichitaro
Sega Knows How to Event
One thing I have to say is Sega has crowd management to a science. In-game concurrent players are high in theory because of Emergency Quests (EQs). Especially livestream enquete and boost week EQs. Similarly, the real world event has high attendance because they give you swag like item codes and collectibles:
The theming is on point too, check out the Gal Gryphon (and the cordoned off door behind it). There’s also Falz Arms on the other side.
And then they also show exhibits:
The smart part is after entering the venue, you need to walk through the main hall to get to anything interesting. Every other route is cordoned off. A lot of the time when I was seated up top, I’d see a never-ending stream of people moving in from the entrance towards another exit.
Congestion is ridiculous. Narrow stadium halls are not meant for continuous human traffic. It helps draw random people into the random trailers and exciting junk that happens so they go find a seat though.
The game’s balance may be wonky, content may move at a slow pace but I have no doubt there’s geniuses at work in Sega. That’s some sophisticated event engineering going on there.
Ultimate Amduscia
I guess if I’m commenting about Festa I should talk about this too.
3 bosses, consistent with the previous trend of 3 UQ souls. That means RATK should finally get a 35 RATK 3PP Soul.
Other than that, not much else to tell from the trailer other than that everything shoots glowing purple gunk. Lilipa was blue which implied Ice, therefore weak to Fire. Nab enemies very obviously used Fire so no question there.
Glowing purple gunk probably rules out Dark (Dark wouldn’t glow), Lightning (not crackly) and Wind (not windy). I’m guessing they’ll be Light-based attacks and weak to Dark. Too early to tell for sure though.
I hope the collection file is good, and more importantly, permanent :p