Jet Boots are arguably the most unique weapon in the game as far as gameplay goes. They are the only Tech weapon in the game that has Photon Arts. Said Photon Arts are the only ones that scale with TATK by default, yet are considered Striking based. Jet Boots are also the only weapons that can double jump and change their element. To top it off, they have the most elaborate set of Shift button actions in the game.
This part will do its best to explain how all of that is supposed to work.
Normal Moves
Neutral Shift

Basic dodge skill with generous amounts of invincible frames. Easier to time than Twin Daggers. Resets the Jet Boots element. With the Elemental Burst skill, releases any previously set element as a TATK-based radial attack around the user.
Normal Attack Shift

Press Shift after a normal attack. Perform a series of four quick spin kicks, good for regaining PP, especially with Deband PP Restorate and/or Elemental PP Restorate Field active.
Photon Arts
Moment Gale

Jet Boots’ main mobbing attack. Zip around in straight lines for the first part, then press Shift to follow up with a point blank radial cyclone with Zanverse tacked on.
The first part is wide but inaccurate, considering it’s straight lines. Picture trying to color a circle by drawing four straight lines with a pencil, i.e. not happening unless it’s a huge crowd with large targets. Situationally useful.
That’s okay though, if the first part is undesirable, it can be cancelled into the Shift followup cyclone before the first kick even comes out. The Shift followup is an actual circular area of effect with a small vacuum. Much better. By itself, the cyclone can kill most mobs on Super Hard difficulty within a couple hits. If not, the vacuum pulls mobs close enough that followup attacks are easy.
During the cyclone, the telltale swirly green lines of Zanverse will show up – that’s exactly what it looks like. The cyclone creates a Zanverse effect, equivalent to charging and casting Zanverse by itself.
Gran Wave

Gap closer. Dash forward and do a flurry of kicks. Press Shift to backflip for an eternity’s worth of invincibility frames and Deband tacked on.
This is one of the main ways for Jet Boots to approach single targets. The gap close tracks vertically as well as horizontally, and does decent damage too. Somewhat slow and respects collision detection though.
If expecting a boss to retaliate, use this and keep a finger on the Shift button. The backflip is completely invincible throughout, and lasts a good few seconds. Dodges Anga stuns, Magatsu’s Energy Tsunamis, Loser’s Time Stop and other telegraphed area attacks very easily.
If using this just for the buff effect, a shortcut is to press Gran Wave, then quickly press Shift twice. The first Shift is for the backflip, the second is to cancel the backflip into a neutral dodge to stay in place for all Deband ticks.
Strike Gust

Charged narrow area damage PA. Launch into the air with a series of somersaults. Press Shift to crash back down, stunning targets and releasing a Shifta.
This is the first of Jet Boots’ two hard hitters. Strike Gust’s advantages are that it allows for movement during charging, does not require a full Gear gauge and builds Gear rather than consumes it.
The drawbacks are that a charged Strike Gust is only around half the damage of Vinto, and that’s assuming it fully connects in the first place. Strike Gust’s hitboxes are all over the place. It is incredibly difficult to aim the first part to hit small, low weak points, and it is nigh impossible for the second part to hit a high weak point.
Due to Moment Gale’s suction effect, Strike Gust can be used after Moment Gale to disable mobs that have been pulled in close enough.
Vinto Gigue

Charged narrow area damage PA or status applier. Hold to the attack to glow and release a burst of weak damage with a high chance of applying status attacks. Alternatively, hold Shift until the charge makes a “ding” sound to release a powerful kick instead of a burst. Either way, after Vinto is performed, the Jet Boots element and Gear gauge will be reset.
The kick variant is the second of Jet Boots’ two hard hitters. When it works, it hits incredibly hard. With the right build and gear, a couple of Vinto kicks is all that’s needed to take out most bosses on Super Hard difficulty. Vinto Gigue is quite fussy though – no movement allowed while it’s charging, and it needs a Level 3 Gear gauge to do most of its damage.
The burst itself is a decent area of effect attack, usable after a Zondeel or Moment Gale to take down a tough pack of mobs. It also has a high chance to apply status effects for shocking Gryphon and similar.
Offensive Techniques
Offensive techs are typically used by Technique damage-capable class combos like Bo/Fi to do set up Tech Arts JA, charge Gear and set the element for Vinto while doing decent damage. Combinations that don’t have good Technique damage, like Bo/Hu, typically only use them to set the Jet Boots element.
The general idea is to have one Concentrated craft and one Efficient craft per element. The Concentrated craft for fast Vinto combos, and the Efficient craft for long-range sniping and switching elements for a low PP cost. These craft recipes may conflict with the optimal recipes for a Force main, so a main Jet Boots Bouncer and a main Force may need to be separate characters.
Here is a list of suggested techs for each element. Level 3 crafts are ideal, but an above average Level 1 craft will suffice when starting out.
Concentrated Gifoie
Burn everything in an expanding ring of fire. Decent AoE that sets up a Moment Gale followup. On bosses with large hitboxes, this can hit multiple times for decent damage.
Concentrated Ilbarta
Yo dawg I heard you like boss killers. I suggested a boss killer to set up your boss killer so you can kill bosses while you kill bosses.
Ilbarta is Fo/Gu and Fo/Br’s trademark due to its gimmick: Cast it 7 times within a 5 second window of each other. On the 7th cast, it hits for 8x its nominal damage. That happens to work nicely with Vinto which relies on charged Techs in succession. A Jet Boots Bouncer can weave Charged Ilbarta with Vinto to get a sequence of big hits.